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Home ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Season 6 Episode 3 ‘The Tattler’ Recap: The Past

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Season 6 Episode 3 ‘The Tattler’ Recap: The Past

BY Daniel Rayner

Published 5 years ago

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 6 Episode 3 'The Tattler' Recap: The Past

Brooklyn Nine-Nine continues its trend of looking back to the past. In this chapter, we explore the origin story of a friendship that lasts a lifetime. As one learns the value of fun through seemingly pointless activities, the other let the universe decide for them.

In this week’s episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Detective Jake Peralta (Andy Samber), Sergeant Amy Santiago-Peralta (Melissa Fumero), and Gina Linetti (Chelsea Peretti) head to their high school reunion. Meanwhile, Captain Ray Holt (Andre Braugher) learns the value of fun from Sergeant Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews) and Detectives Michael Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Norm Scully’s (Joel McKinnon Miller). As this happens, Detective Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) helps Detective Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz) decide on who to date.

Love Triangle

Stephanie Beatriz and Joe Lo Truglio in Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 3

Vivian Zink/NBC

Boyle and Rosa have a lot to catch up. After a series of big reveals, Rosa ends up with a problem: she started dating two people at the same time, and after they tag Rosa on social media, they each find out the truth. Luckily, Boyle knows some methods that help him decide since indecisiveness runs in their bloodline. A first method involving answering 309 questions fail, making them resort to an ancient Boyle method. Rosa hung upside down so that the blood of her body went to her brain’s decision-making area, according to him.  Eventually, Rosa’s lovers decide to end the relationship. It turns out that this was Boyle’s method: letting the universe decide for him. It may sound sad, but it worked.


Seeing Terry, Hitchcock, and Scully made Captain Holt wonder why they gather around the radio. Assuming that the government is testing the Emergency Broadcast System, Captain Holt decides to listen in. When he hears that they tuned in to a ‘dumb radio game,’ where the listeners guess what item makes the sound that the announcers play. With that, he dismisses it as a waste of time. The second time Captain Holt sees them, he decides to drive home his point: using time productively is what makes it ‘fun.’ However, Captain Holt find the item that matches the sound the announcers played, so he eagerly participates. Sadly, they do not win the contest. Still, Captain Holt learned a valuable lesson. When the announcers start the second round of the game, he immediately joins in.

Not a Tattler

Chelsea Linetti, Andy Samberg, Melissa Fumero, and Paul Rust in Brooklyn Nine Nine Season 6 Episode 3

Vivian Zink/NBC

Jake brings Amy along to his and Gina’s high school reunion. Throughout their time there, Jake’s old nickname gets the better of him. At the end of Jake and Gina’s senior year, Brandon Jacoby, one of the cool kids, receives word that Jake told their plan to steal a bus and get drunk to the principal, hence his nickname ‘The Tattler.’ Jake tries to bury the memory of the nickname, but everyone still remembered. Because of this, Amy decides to help Jake find the culprit.

After some digging into old files, Jake finds the person responsible for telling Brandon about him: Danny Matthews (Ayinde Howell). However, when Danny tells Jake the description of who he saw, Jake realizes who the culprit is: Gina, who wore the same outfit back in the day. Finally Jake finds Gina, busy telling lies about what she does now. His confrontation ends Gina’s storytelling, so Gina approaches him and explains. Brandon could not make it to the reunion because he was on parole. Without Gina’s intervention, Jake would have gone a similar path. After Jake accepts her apology, he tells Gina how she should use her intellect on something better than working for the Nine-Nine. Eventually, Gina repeats what he says and announces her departure from the Nine-Nine.

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 3 ‘The Tattler’ Final Verdict

Jake and Gina’s friendship goes way back, and her announcement, in the end, came as a shock. The Nine-Nine would never be the same without her. Also, Amy’s nerdy attitude gets the best of her. Maybe schools are her true weakness. Finally, Captain Holt’s interaction with Terry, Hitchcock and Scully was hilarious. Holt’s face may have had the same look (it always does), but he surely was happy p;aying the game with them.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine continues Thursday, January 31st, with ‘Four Movements’ at 9/10c on NBC.

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