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Girl From Nowhere Season 1 Episode 8 Recap – Lost & Found

BY Arabelle

Published 1 year ago

Nanno’s adventure continues as she transfers into another school. The episode starts with an antique shop, and a guy in a hoodie is looking around the store. He saw the watch line and asked the seller if he could look at that particular item. The seller told him that he had a good eye and that watch is the watch Neil Armstrong wore in 1969.


The guy returned the watch and told the seller he would return it later. The guy in the hoodie went out of the store wearing the watch he had looked at earlier. He saw Nanno carrying a cat, and she told him to keep quiet because the cat she is carrying is the cat’s owner. Nanno went out, and the guy in a hoodie went after her, but she’s gone already. It is raining, and he went home after that.


The next day, a student with his assistant visited the school director. The assistant gave the director a small letter and told him that the guy beside him is named TK and he will be transferring to their school. The director checked TK’s record and saw that he was expelled from his last school because he was caught stealing some things. While the director reads his school record, TK looks at the director’s ball pen. He told them that it is hard to believe and they are not accepting troublesome students. The assistant told them they know that, so they gave him a lot of money to accept TK in their school. The director accepted the money, and TK started his class at his new school.


The assistant left TK, bringing out the director’s pen that he is looking at earlier. His hands are fast. The teacher is having her lecture, but TK’s mind wanders outside the school. They were interrupted when Nanno entered the room, and the teacher told them she is a new student in their school. Nanno introduced herself, and she looked at TK. She seems interested in him. She asked her seatmate about him and told her that TK was a problematic guy and was expelled from his old school for stealing. But Nanno said to her that TK does not look scary at all. Their class ended, and the teacher told Nic to take Nanno with her to the cafeteria.


Nic asked Nanno about her eraser because it is missing. Only to see that the eraser is at Nanno’s mouth. TK is on the rooftop, looking at the watch he stole that night when Nanno approached him and gave him some sandwiches. He accepted it, but she asked Nanno if she had bought or stole it. Nanno told him that he is an interesting person. They went silent after that.


After a moment of silence, Nanno asked TK if he wanted to go to the moon while looking at the watch on her wrist. TK saw the watch and get it to her. He told her that he just wanted the watch. Nanno told TK that his way of stealing is old-fashion and risky. She also showed TK the book that she stole a moment ago. It was an important book in their school. She challenged TK into a competition on who can steal more than each other.


They started to steal money and things from the students in the school. They are having fun with each other during that time. Nanno stole the documents of their teacher. After class, Nanno and TK are erasing the whiteboard, and TK tells Nanno that she’s good. He also asked her if she has ever been caught. Nanno asked him back, and TK told him he had never been caught because he ran fast.


Later that night, TK and Nanno went to steal some drinks in a convenience store, and they ran so fast because the owner is chasing them. They hide in a tight place, and the owner runs passed on where they are. After that, they both drink the drinks they stole and have fun being together. TK looks at Nanno, and they are shy at each other. The next day, TK and Nanno are sitting beside each other. Nanno wrote in a notebook and asked TK about their plan for that day. She asked if they are going again on that day. TK agree, but he told Nanno that no more run because it is tiring. They keep on writing to each other.


Nanno teased TK to call her Master. Nanno told TK to try something harder. They went into the director’s house. TK asked Nanno how they will enter the director’s house when so many surveillance cameras are scattered around the house. Nanno showed him her phone and how they will pass through the cameras. TK asked Nanno how she did it, but Nanno told him that magicians never reveal their secrets. She started explaining to TK their route. They successfully entered the house and stole the painting of the director.


Later that day, an announcement about the stolen artwork is heard by everyone. The teacher told her students that she will check their bags to see if the painting is in their hands. She went to TK and accused TK that he was the one who stole the painting. The teacher checked TK’s bag and saw nothing. She looked at Nanno and told her that helping her friend hide some stolen object is a crime and checked Nanno’s bag. After that, they went to the rooftop, and the painting is there. TK told Nanno that the painting is beautiful, but Nanno disagree and told him that she hates flowers. TK asked Nanno what other stuff does she steal? Nanno brought him into a room full of objects that Nanno stole from other people. Nanno asked TK where did he put all of the things he stole? TK brought Nanno into his house.



No one is home. Nanno saw a photo frame on TK’s table and asked him about that person. TK told her that it was his dad and he was still alive, but he is currently working abroad. They don’t see each other because of that. TK asked Nanno why is she stealing some stuff? Nanno told him that she has no particular reason. It is just for fun. Nanno asked TK back and said the same answer, but Nanno knows that TK is lying. TK thanked Nanno for being his friend. He told her that he never had a friend at all. He also asked for a favor.


TK told Nanno not to disappear from him because he feels that Nanno will disappear once she already had her fun or if she is satisfied. TK also told Nanno that he like being with her. Nanno just stared at him. She also told TK that it is kind of fun being with him also. They made a pinky promise to each other. Nanno looks at the picture frame and told TK that she can bring his father back and told him about the plan.


The next day, Nanno and TK are in the library talking about the director and what he is doing every time a new student comes to their school. Nanno told TK that there is a big poster behind the director and behind that poster is a safe vault with the money that the director is getting from the transferred students. Nanno told TK that their plan will be successful if they ever know how to open a vault, and they started to read a book about how they can open a safe vault.



On the rooftop, TK complains to Nanno that the police followed him all day long. TK told Nanno if they can abort the plan. He doesn’t want Nanno to be in trouble, but Nanno is persistent in doing their plan. She said to TK that she can do it alone. Nanno walks out, and TK follows her. He told her he is backing out because he doesn’t want Nanno to get caught. Nanno keeps pushing him until TK tells her he will do it but on one condition. If they got caught, she must blame it on TK and tell everyone that he tricks her into doing that.


Nanno asked him about their promise not to disappear with each other. TK said to her that he can break the promise for Nanno. Nanno kissed TK and told him they would go with their original plan that night. The night came, and the director closed his office and left. TK comes out of nowhere after the director leaves the office. He told Nanno that he was ready and entered the director’s office. TK checked and opened the vault. He gets the document inside when someone gets it from his hand. The light inside the office was turned on, and the director is there with some police officers.


The director talked to TK. Nanno entered the office. TK immediately told the director that she has nothing to do with what he did, but the director said to him that Nanno was behind all of it. Nanno gave the director a copy of every piece of footage. Someone told them that TK’s father is there. “I can bring back your father.” echoed in TK’s head but only to get disappointed because the assistant was the one who showed up. Even Nanno is a little bit shock when she sees the assistant. The assistant offers money to the director so that he will forget what happened, but TK gets the check and tears it apart. He told the assistant to tell his father that money cannot buy everything. He also punched the director. The police officers drag TK out, and TK and Nanno stare at each other.


After that incident, Nanno and TK never saw each other again. Nanno is on the rooftop, and she reminisces everything that happened between her and TK. TK was brought to the Youth Detention Center. He was going out that day, and he was surprised to see his father waiting for him outside the detention center. TK told his father that he doesn’t want to see him and can make it on his own. TK cried and hugged his father.


That night, TK is in their pool and looking at his watch. He started to reminisce about what happened to him and Nanno. He went out and wore his hoodie. He went to the same antique shop he saw the painting that he and Nanno stole. Nanno went to him, and they both looked at the painting. Nanno told TK about her plan to bring back his father, and she needs to take TK away from him first. That’s why she did that. TK understands Nanno. He also told Nanno that he doesn’t want to lose her. The episode ended with Nanno crying while walking away from TK, and TK is left in front of the painting alone.


Our Thoughts

Do you know the famous saying, “Right person, wrong timing?” It was what happened to TK and Nanno in this episode. They just knew each other, but they clicked immediately. They happen to have the same vibes and interests in everything. They get to have some fun together. Nanno’s intention with TK is pure and what she feels is genuine. The happiness she felt when she is with TK is very visible in her eyes. But they met at the wrong time. TK wanted her to stay, but Nanno knows that she cannot. That was the first time I saw Nanno cry genuinely. What she felt for TK is real. She helps TK to see his father again in exchange for her happiness. She’s selfless. Maybe in another life, they can get to meet each other again.


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