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Home TV REVIEW: Rush Doesn’t Really “Get Lucky”

TV REVIEW: Rush Doesn’t Really “Get Lucky”

BY Lisa Casas

Published 10 years ago

TV REVIEW: Rush Doesn’t Really

Rush has been an unexpected summer treat, a hot, troubled lead we like in spite of his many, many flaws, a crew of supporting players who we’ve grown to care about, even the drug dealer is a little adorable, and a storyline that keeps us guessing, surprising us with its reveals.


“Get Lucky” continued on the show’s streak giving us some quality bro time between Rush and Alex, therapy time with Eve and Manny, and sexy time with Rush and true love Sarah.


Luck Be Your Lady Tonight

This week’s episode begins with Rush showing he’s got the best job ever. Not really.

He’s treating a Chinese high roller who needs a catheter because apparently he won’t leave a gaming table when he’s on a streak, no matter what. Ew. He suddenly thinks Rush is lucky today, and asks our doctor to join him back at the tables. Must’ve been the catheter. Rush hears the $10,000 offer and says, “Now you’re talkin’ my language.”

Asian Sugar Daddy is on a roll thinking Rush has something to do with his good fortune. Will has to leave the table when he gets a call from ex girlfriend, Sarah. Mr. Superstition is not happy his lucky charm has exited, taking his lucky cloud with him. He’s even less happy when he loses a small wad. Rush is all smiles though because Sarah wants to “hang out.” Since when does Dr. Uptight just want to “hang out”? I’m thinking never. Something is definitely up.

Will is in a frenzy because Sarah is coming over, Sarah is coming over… he needs flowers ordered and Eve gone from 12:00 on. He barely has time to meet his romantic advisor in the bar. It’s Alex, of course. Best friend thinks Sarah is going to tell Rush she’s engaged. Will says no way.


Alex Has a Crush

While bromancing it out, Rush gets a housecall from a famous rapper, Boss Nova, and Alex says he’ll come help out with the call. “You wanna be me?” No, Alex just wants to meet his idol. Okay, and maybe be Rush for one more day.

Alex has a man crush on Nova and almost salivates on the guy while helping to treat him. They get an invite to a party that night and for once Rush isn’t all in. Alex is, insisting that they go.


Sexy Sarah Time

Back to the Sarah “hang out.” She shows up, perky smile, perky outfit, and perky hair. She kisses Rush on the cheek, wants a scotch, and we are thinking when did Invasion of the Body Snatchers occur?

She abruptly says she broke up with Griffin (boring doctor boyfriend). Score! Rush’s phone rings and we know that this time he will let it go. Remember what happened last time? He answers it. Oh, Rush, don’t you ever learn? He has to go; there’s a kid downstairs needing a doc. “Hey, It’s a kid, so come with me.” How romantic. She accepts the proposal.

The little girl has water in her lungs and is “dry drowning.” Sarah takes over and saves the little one. She also goes ballistic on the dad when he asks if she’s well enough to compete in a beauty pageant that night. Pageant trumps health, way to go Super Dad.

Back upstairs, Rush and Sarah have a heart to heart with both saying they seem different. They share a joint and Will is bewildered by this new, carefree, fun Sarah. After seeing her save the little girl, he says, “You are going to be one hell of a mom.” She asks him to just stop talking, kissing him passionately. Rush carries her to the bedroom and they have fuzzy light, slow-mo sex.

They end up making small, after sex talk for half a second before she says she’s gotta go.

“You’re just gonna use my body as a plaything and then split? That’s my thing.” Yep, she leaves.


Pictured: (l-r) Tom Ellis as Dr. William Rush, Odette Annable as Sarah Peterson -- (Photo by: Alan Zenuk/USA Network)

Pictured: (l-r) Tom Ellis as Dr. William Rush, Odette Annable as Sarah Peterson — (Photo by: Alan Zenuk/USA Network)

Cute Couple Award Goes to…

Cute drug dealer Manny shows up and we discover he’s got more than drug dealing prowess … his listening skills for one. Eve confesses that she feels stuck. He says he’s got the perfect remedy. No, it doesn’t involve smoking something. He takes her to a gun range and gives her a lesson in shooting 101. She’s loving him, I mean, it.

Manny takes her out for sushi, bitching about how overextended he is. That dang drug dealing business is running him ragged. Now, it’s her turn to give advice. She tells him to download a scheduling app and hints that he needs an “exit plan.” He tells his drug dealing creation story and wants to hear Eve’s backstory.

Manny asks her who she was thinking about at the gun range and she confesses all. She was pregnant, and he “wasn’t thrilled and made it so I wasn’t anymore.”  Manny has got to be the best drug dealing therapist in the business. “You won’t be stuck forever,” he wisely tells her. Manny takes Eve home on his bike and they are adorable together. She thanks him and he even gives her a present… a gun. I think she may be needing that gun pretty quick – more on that below.


Creepy Encounter of the J.P. Kind

Eve contacts Rush about a mystery call from someone new, a Mr. Vincent. Rush goes even though it’s not their protocol. Eve’s stalker ex boyfriend J.P. is there and warns, “You have to stop poisoning Eve against me. We go way back.” He says he’s sober now, but Rush is unforgiving. “Leave her alone. You get it? Tell me you get it.” Rush threatens to call the cops, so J.P. backs down saying he had to give it one last try and adds, “I’m sorry.” Oh, that I’m sorry has me glad that Eve has a gun.


Alex Is a Bad, Bad Boy

Alex and Rush take off to the rapper party, with Dr. Rush Wannabe saying, “We’re gonna tear it up!” He doesn’t get Rush’s troubled mood. “You had sex this afternoon with the girl you love and you didn’t have to talk afterwards. That’s some bucket list shit.” The party is everything Alex was hoping for. They even have to, I mean get to listen to Nova’s new rap. The rapper loses a little of his luster when wifey shows up and beats the crap out of him for cheating.

Alex goes to the bar and gets hit on immediately. Hit on to “take a look at something” for her since he’s a doctor. She leads him to the bathroom and ends up “servicing” him. Alex, what are you doing?

The party ends up in an odd shootout with Rush and rapper pointing guns at each other. Just another day at the office. Rush and Alex get out, but I almost feel like a bullet would be preferable to the wrath of Laurel that Alex is sure to face some day.


No Way, Times Two

The first semi-jaw dropper involves Eve. As she walks to her place, JP is creepily watching from his car. This isn’t truly unexpected, but it’s scary nonetheless.

The final scene is the true shocker of the night. Our dynamic duo makes it to Alex’s house with the good doctor admitting, “Someday you may be me, but I’ll never be you.” Rush says, “I love you man.” Alex confesses to Rush that Sarah’s been talking to his wife about fertility treatments. So Sarah wants to be a mom?

What does Rush do with the new intel? He rushes to Sarah’s house, knocking on her door. He says, “I missed you. I want to spend some more time together.”

He then drops the bomb that he thinks she has cancer. She confesses it’s true. What? Fertility? Cancer? Rush writers you’ve got us hooked. Now we can’t wait for next week’s episode to see where all this goes. Is there going to be a huge Eve/J.P. showdown where we have to bow down to Manny for having the foresight to arm Eve? Will Rush grow up and be there for Sarah the woman he claims to love? And most pressing, will Alex survive when Laurel inevitably finds out about his bathroom extra-curriculars? With only two episodes left, this is “must see” time for USA’s freshman doc drama.

Rush airs Thursdays on USA Network at 9 p.m.

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