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Home DARK MATTER: Exclusive Scoop on “We Were Family”

DARK MATTER: Exclusive Scoop on “We Were Family”

BY Jennifer Griffin

Published 8 years ago

DARK MATTER: Exclusive Scoop on

Following three episodes of frenetic pacing, surprise character deaths, new enemies and new shipmates, Syfy's Dark Matter finally takes a moment to breathe in Friday's upcoming "We Were Family."

But don't be fooled into thinking this is a filler episode. It's not. As is a by now standard procedure for this show, new and unforeseen developments will present themselves to the crew (and the audience) soon enough. And just as we were all lying low and taking stock, too!

The episode will see newcomers Nyx, Devon and Arax getting to know the Raza crew, in addition to testing their mettle.

Meanwhile Three encounters his old crew but can't decide if they mean him harm or ... something else. (You'll uncover the significance of the metal rocket ship from Three's personal belongings this week too).

You might be interested to note that Six is awake, post-op, and having a come-to-jesus moment with the people he betrayed. And in an effort to learn more about the human condition, we'll see Android biting off more than she can chew.

We've seen the episode a little earlier than most, thanks to our friends at Syfy, and have a number of teasers to share with you. As usual, we avoid outright spoilers and plot points that would more than likely spoil your enjoyment on the night. However, while we consider our article 'teaser-ish' in nature, we know not everyone will feel the same. For that reason, we urge you to proceed with caution.

The Key to Victory

Who is Alicia Reynaud and what does she want with Five? It’s a question we’ve been mulling over since the beginning of the season, but don’t worry. You’ll find out exactly what the deal is this week.

In the words of Presidential hopeful Donald Trump “It’s Huge!”

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