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BONES: Exclusive Scoop on the Spring Premiere

BY Jennifer Griffin

Published 8 years ago

BONES: Exclusive Scoop on the Spring Premiere

Bones is back (and it feels so good to say that again) on April 14.

The Spring Premiere, titled “The Death in the Defense,” will pick up on events from Fall’s big finale which saw Hodgins paralyzed following a deliberate and fatal explosion at a crime scene.

Now eight weeks following the incident, Hodgins is finally ready to leave hospital under Angela’s watchful care. But is he really ready to get back to work? It seems just about everyone has an opinion, but is anyone listening to Hodgins?

Meanwhile, Brennan and Booth work together to investigate the mysterious death of a public defender who may have been killed by one of her defendants from a previous case.

We’ve seen the episode a little early, thanks to our friends at FOX, and have a number of teasers to share with you.

As always we strive not to reveal major plot-points that could otherwise ruin your enjoyment of the episode. However, we’re aware that one man’s gentle teaser is another’s great big flaming spoiler. We therefore advise you to proceed with caution, step wisely, chew carefully and finish everything on your plate.

Faith vs Science

Although we’ve seen it many times before over the course of the show, Booth and Brennan will once again return to the old ‘Faith versus Science’ debate we love so much.

This time however, Brennan will be the first to admit “In this case, the science makes me sad.”

Not only that, but we will see our girl leaning towards Booth’s belief system when it comes to her hopes for their daughter Christine. “I hope she grows up to have faith like you,” she tells Booth in a tender and emotionally honest moment.

Gah! This show! This show!

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