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Home Articles TV Spoilers SHADOWHUNTERS SCOOP: Jace and Clary Face Off in “Salt in the Wound”

SHADOWHUNTERS SCOOP: Jace and Clary Face Off in “Salt in the Wound”

BY Jennifer Griffin

Published 6 years ago

SHADOWHUNTERS SCOOP: Jace and Clary Face Off in

Things come to a bloody and explosive head in May 1st's episode of Shadowhunters.

In the shocking aftermath of the Owl's identity being revealed, “Salt in the Wound” sees Alec, Isabelle, and Clary travelling to Alicante to try and find a way to stop him, by means of a very special device.

However, with Jace also travelling to Alicante for a darker purpose, paths are destined to cross.

Meanwhile, Luke and Simon team up to track Ollie, and Lilith’s latest potential victim, and flashbacks reveal Maia's heartbreaking past. 

We've seen the episode a little early, thanks to our friends at Freeform, and have a number of teasers to share with you below.

As always, we avoid major plot point and character reveals that would potentially spoil your enjoyment of the live episode. That said, we suggest a modicum of caution proportionate to your feelings on spoilers in general.

If you would like to learn more about ScreenSpy's strict Spoiler Policy, you can do so through the link in this sentence.

RELATED | Shadowhunters Sneak Peeks: There's Plenty of Guilt to Go Around in "Salt in the Wound"

Mean Jace

Somehow the possessed get all the best lines.

Like Jace telling izzy he’s going to tell her hot doc boyfriend how she died in a tragic jewelry-making accident…



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