THE BLACKLIST: 4 Sneaks Peeks at Episode 150 “Roy Cain”
BY Jennifer Griffin
Published 5 years ago

Tonight’s episode of The Blacklist is the show’s 150th, and also this season’s penultimate.
(The season finale “The Kazanjian Brothers” airs May 15th, and will combine live action with graphic novel style animation.)
“Roy Cain” will see Red and the Task Force digging deeper into the kidnapping of Dembe’s Imam after fingerprints at the scene of his abduction link his captors in an unlikely fashion.
Meanwhile, Red, in pensive mood, gives serious thought to who should inherit his criminal empire, and all of its assets, in the event of his death.
We’ve got 4 new sneak peek clips, courtesy of NBC, to share from the episode below.
Watch Red enlist NBC’s own Al Roker to assist disbarred Marvin Gerard in getting his license to practice back. Meanwhile, Katarina leans on Dembe to get at the answers she craves.
The “Roy Cain” episode of The Blacklist airs Friday, May 8 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) on NBC.
Catch photos from tonight’s action HERE, and specific teasers (containing no major plot or character reveals) from the episode HERE.
Follow @ScreenSpy on Twitter for more Blacklist scoop.
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