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Home What's Hot? GRIMM: 6 Things to Know About “The Taming of the Wu”

GRIMM: 6 Things to Know About “The Taming of the Wu”

BY Jennifer Griffin

Published 8 years ago

GRIMM: 6 Things to Know About

Grimm's back this Friday with "The Taming of the Wu," an episode that will see our favorite sergeant (Reggie Lee) becoming entangled in an incident that not even he can explain.

Meanwhile, fans will be introduced to the mysterious Claude Bonaporte (guest star Shaun Toub) who arrives in Portland to shake things up for Nick and Adalind.

And while Hank (Russell Hornsby) becomes closer to Zuri (guest star Sharon Leal) back at HW, Eve (Bitsie Tulloch) discovers an unwelcome bond to Adalind that may just help their operation against Black Claw.

We've seen the episode a little early and have a collection of teasers to share with you. As always, we do our best to avoid outright plot reveals that would ruin your enjoyment of the episode. However, we urge you to take caution nonetheless, as in the words of famous 16th Century philosopher Robert Balfour, "aint no place on the internet entirely safe from spoilers." Or words to that effect.

Finally, we can't begin to tell you how grateful and privileged we feel when you guys share our articles on forums and Wikis around the web. Sometimes though, our entire article is copied and pasted -- instead of just a small bit and a link to the original piece. Instead of bringing people to our magazine to read more, this action has the effect of doing the reverse and hurting our readership, and making us cry. (We're looking at you, IMDB). So please, feel free to dip in and share. We'd really love that. Just don't eat all the candy in the bag.

Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen. No Really.

We knew that werewolf scratch was going to be nothing but trouble for poor Wu. We just didn’t realize how much trouble.

The problem is, despite the weird physical transformations, the strange dreams, and the insatiable desire for red meat (that last part happens this week, guys) Wu still doesn’t understand what’s wrong with him. And neither does Nick.

That’s all about to change on Friday when Wu does something so splashy that everyone sits up and takes notice — including the Portland police.

The lid is about to be blown off this werewolf story in spectacular fashion.

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