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Home Articles TV 'American Horror Story' Season 7 Finale 'Great Again' Recap: The Political Bang In The Head [SPOILERS]

'American Horror Story' Season 7 Finale 'Great Again' Recap: The Political Bang In The Head [SPOILERS]

BY Louie Anne Matthews

Published 6 years ago

'American Horror Story' Season 7 Finale 'Great Again' Recap: The Political Bang In The Head [SPOILERS]

“American Horror Story” brings a bloody, disturbing, and politically satisfying finale. Ryan Murphy ends his political drama the way it started. They definitely are clutching on Trump’s campaign slogan in the finale. From an election to tying Kai’s (Evan Peters) loose ends and Ally’s (Sarah Paulson) ultimate endgame. We all knew Ally has something planned when she decided to join Kai’s cult. We finally see her plan unfold and realize Kai has met his match. The charismatic Cult leader focused too much on his killing spree without realizing the calmest person in the room is as diabolical as him.

Making Friends and Cults in Prison

It’s 2018 and Kai is in prison. Others might’ve expected Ally to shoot him dead, but he is answering for his crimes behind bars. However, it looks like prison isn’t hell for him. It’s quite easy for Kai to adjust to prison life. His master manipulation skills come in handy. During his stay in prison, he was able to befriend the female prison guard and took down the alpha male. It’s unclear how long Kai has been in prison, but he is doing quite nicely for himself. He ends up creating another cult with his fellow prison mates. They even call Kai their “Divine Leader.” But creating a new cult isn’t the only thing in Kai’s prison itinerary.

Evan Peters in American Horror Story (2011)

FX Networks

Ally is the reason why Kai is in jail. He is still angry and plans to extract revenge as soon as possible. All he needs is a weak pawn to help him and he was able to find that in an inmate who a victim of prison abuse. Kai uses the inmate’s fear of getting beaten up to his advantage. When news broke out that Ally would be running for Michigan State Senate, Kai decided to put his plan in full motion. There’s no way in hell would he let Ally—or any woman for that matter—run a state. He asks his weakest follower to help him escape with a few change of clothes. Of course, he sees Kai as the true leader he does what he is told. leading him to be stabbed to death. He then puts his prison clothes on the bloody and mangled corpse to make it appear Kai died in a prison brawl gone wrong. The prison guard then gives him his disguise, making him a free man.

A Night of a Thousand Tates

Sarah Paulson in American Horror Story (2011)

FX Networks

Before Kai was in prison, he was a City Council Man and the leader of a thriving cult, until a rat crawled into the cracks of his group. Kai killed off his sister Winter, believing she was the rat. But we later found out, it was Speedwagon. Ally chased after him, asking if he was working with the FBI or the cops. He admits he has a wire and begs for mercy, because he only did it to get dirt on Kai. He had no idea how demented Kai truly is. Luckily for him, Ally knows how to keep a secret from Kai. After learning about the wire, she uses it as a way to inform local police about Kai’s plans. But her conniving was done off screen and we are treated to Kai motivating his followers to push through with murdering pregnant women.
Yes, Kai was resorting to killing pregnant mothers and their unborn child to prove a point. Disgusted by his madness, Beverly (Adina Porter) starts to lose it. She begs Ally to kill her. But she refuses and reassures Beverly everything will be okay in the end. To make sure Kai’s paranoia is in check, Ally “reveals” to Kai a bug she supposedly found two days ago.  She tells him Winter (Billie Lourd) was innocent. Breaking her promise to Speedwagon, she tells Kai it was him who bugged the cult and uses Kai’s guilt to her advantage, Ally tells Kai to push through with the “Night of a Thousand Tates” as a way to honor Winter. That night, the FBI comes in and foils Kai’s plans. The moment he was captured he realized he was manipulated by a woman. He screams at Ally promising he will come back and kill her.

The Aftermath of ‘American Horror Story: Cult’

After the night of Kai’s arrest, Ally was able to live a stable life again. She was even considered a feminist icon for surviving and escaping a cult. She’s dating again, her son was okay, and Beverly is helping her out with her campaign. She has drained the cult experience out of her mind. She was now running for Michigan State Senator. “American Horror Story” smacked Ally with a strong character development. In the beginning, she had a thousand phobias and we saw her rise from that. She was able to manipulate Kai into trusting her. She was able to break apart the cult that ruined her life.

Sarah Paulson in American Horror Story (2011)

FX Networks

It all seemed too good to be true when Kai showed up with a gun during the debate. She stood there poised and calm as he waves a gun around. It’s not exactly the reaction we expect. But when Kai aims at her head and shoots, the gun had no bullets. Ally was smarter than Kai pegged her to be. She was working with his security guard friend and had her remove the bullets. Beverly had the pleasure to shoot a bullet through Kai’s head. “American Horror Story: Cult,” ends with Ally tucking in Oz and telling him of the plans she has to make society better. In an eerie conclusion, we see Ally preparing for a meeting. She didn’t tell her son who she was meeting with but the moment she put on the green velvet hood it’s clear—a misandrist’s end to a misogynist’s beginning. She created the end that Valerie Solanas would be proud of.
Ally was carrying out the SCUM Manifesto after all.

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