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Dash & Lily Season 1 Episode 8 Recap – New Year’s Eve


Published 3 years ago

Dash & Lily Season 1 Episode 8 Recap - New Year's Eve

[00:01:00] It was New Year’s eve. Dash is at the “Strand” looking for the red notebook on the shelf where he first found it, but it isn’t there. Dash hears someone calling him: Lily’s cousin. He gives Dash the notebook and quickly leaves the store. Dash reads Lily’s entry as she mentions going to Fiji. Lily was happy they believed in a Christmas miracle, even for just a few weeks.

[00:02:30] Langston and Lily are walking at the park. He gives Lily his parting gift as they talk about her move to Fiji. She discovers he broke up with Benny because he needs to go to Puerto Rico for two weeks. He tells Lily those two weeks are too long for him. Lily hits Langston with the box he gave her. Meanwhile, Dash is looking for Boomer to smooth things over. He can’t reach Boomer through text, so he checks his last post on Instagram. It seems Boomer is attending a Jonas Brothers’ concert. Dash weaves through the crowd to find Boomer. He hears Dash coming and tries to escape, but Dash sees him and chases after him. Boomer doesn’t want to speak with Dash. He is trying to enjoy the concert with his other friends.

[00:06:00] Dash tells Boomer he went to a Jonas Brothers’ concert for him. Boomer immediately forgives Dash for whatever happened on Christmas. Dash asks Boomer for help, but everyone decides to help him. Dash wants to find Lily before everything is too late. He knew things got bad between them, but he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Dash wants to tell Lily his feelings. Everyone tells Dash what he needs to do, even Nick Jonas. Dash follows everyone’s advice and sets out to find Lily.

[00:08:30] Meanwhile, Lily is at home, starting a family ceremony before they fly off to Fiji. Everyone shares a cup of tea before they head out to a temple. Arthur rents the whole temple for their family to have a little private time. Arthur places money inside envelopes and calls out the family members one by one. He starts with Langston and tells the whole family what he did the previous year. Langston tells Arthur he is ready to go back to school. Arthur calls Lily and discusses everything that happened to her. Arthur has eyes and ears everywhere because of his friends. They tell him about what Lily has been up to over Christmas break. He wants Lily to stay in New York, but she must tell him Dash made her do everything. Lily owned up to her mistakes.

[00:12:30] Lily even calls out Arthur and Langston for their mistakes. She doesn’t want to blame Dash, and for that, Arthur doesn’t want Lily to stay in New York. Four hours until midnight: Lily and the rest of the family return home to get their stuff. The family takes a cab to the airport, but Langston sees the red notebook before leaving. He is supposed to tell Lily about it, but he changes his mind. Langston places the red notebook inside a drawer without reading it. Meanwhile, Dash waits at the “Strand” for Lily, but it doesn’t seem like she’s going to show up. Lily has no idea Dash is waiting for her. Langston lay down in bed thinking of Benny. He decides to read the red notebook to find out what Dash has to say.

[00:16:00] Dash begs Lily’s cousin to let him stay a few more minutes, but he tells Dash Lily isn’t coming. Langston sends a picture of Dash’s message to Lily. She reads the message and takes off to find Dash. Lily arrives at the bookstore, but it is already closed. Macy’s Christmas elf gives her the keys to the store. She goes in and follows the sound of music. Lily goes up to the second floor and finds the whole floor has been decorated by someone. She calls out to Dash, but he doesn’t respond.

[00:20:00] Dash finally shows himself in front of the buffet table he set up. He tells Lily she should have one last taste of New York before she leaves. Dash is supposed to explain something to Lily, but she stops him from speaking. Lily tells Dash she wants to tell him how she feels, but it is the first time she ever fell in love, and she doesn’t know how to express her feelings. She suddenly stops talking and just kisses Dash. She tells him that sometimes words aren’t enough. Lily is about to leave, but they get trapped in the room. The door has a sign to never close it, but they accidentally did.

[00:23:00] Lily receives a call from Arthur. Langston is about to leave when he sees Lillian in their kitchen. He asks her if Arthur knows she’s there. Lillian tells him Arthur asked her to come over. Arthur tells Lily’s parents she can stay in New York if she wants to. Lily no longer has to leave for Fiji. No one knew they were trapped in the bookstore, so they decided to be trapped for a little longer. Langston decides to go to Benny and give him a notebook for Puerto Rico. Meanwhile, Edgar spends New Year’s Eve alone inside a bar. “Happy New Year, Dash,” Lily greets him. “Happy New Year, Lily,” he replies—and they kiss as they sit behind the store window with fireworks as their backdrop.

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