DOTA: Dragon’s Blood Season 1 Episode 7 Recap – Speak the Words
BY Harris
Published 3 years ago

The Invoker stands alone on a field. He uses his power to bring out an Eldwyrm from a lake. After a huge struggle, he contains Lirrak: Mother of Oceans and Storms in an orb.
Davion’s nightmares continue. This time it’s a new one: Slyrak taking over his body and killing him.
They move through the landscape, guided by Fymryn. Mirana feels uneasy with the elf. Davion cautions them as they find dragons.
The Invoker’s energy is sapped from wrangling the Eldwyrm. He remembers his daughter, Filomena, who loves to read books. He recalls how he showed her the tower and how much she misses her mother. Filomena has a skin condition that began when she was separated from her mother. The Invoker toiled day and night to find a cure.
Fymryn expresses her loneliness during camp for losing her pod from the Dark Moon Order’s attacks. Mirana then lets out her anger, berating Fymryn—it’s all her fault—she stole the lotuses, so their blood is in her hands. Weapons are drawn, almost starting a fight, but Davion intervenes. Fymrn’s secret is out; it was she who stole the lotuses. She flees in anger.
Davion sets out to find her, warning her it’s not safe with wyrmlings around, but to no avail.
We return to the sage’s past, where Filomena talks to her dad about discovering a hybrid flower that follows the moon. The Invoker laments his failure to find a cure for her. The scholars suggest a god could do it: her mother. He’s enraged, but he has no other choice.
Davion’s party awake to find that Fymryn had stolen the lotuses again. As Fymryn hunts for food, a wyrmling chases her. The box of lotuses falls into the river. She picks it up, but the dragons catch up to her. With magic, she disguises herself and seeks refuge in a cave, a seemingly safe place, but it turns out to be a wyrmling nest. Davion rushes in to help her while the others guard the entrance.
Fymryn is backed into a dead end as two dragons pursue her. Davion finds her and creates a distraction by picking up eggs, but she won’t move. She would rather die than give the lotuses back to Selemene. In return, Davion offers to stay with her. He sees this as a meaningful sacrifice now that Slyrak has taken hold of him. He owes Mirana, and he won’t fail her. Moved, Fymryn gives him the box and teleports out of the crevice.
Davion goes face-to-face with the wyrmlings. But as it recognizes Slyrak’s presence, it retreats. He takes the box outside to Mirana and tells her the truth about his condition.
As they continue their trek, Fymryn joins them again as a guide. They still don’t trust each other, but they try as Davion asks them to put their trust in him.
Selemene’s True Colors
Back in the sage’s memories, we find him pleading to Selemene as a last resort to heal their daughter. His lack of devotion causes them to separate, so she asks him to give it to her in exchange.
The sage kneels and says the words, but Filomena refuses. She says she loves her, but she is not the mother she once knew. The goddess abandons them.
Back in the present day, we see the Invoker’s eyes full of rage.
Our Thoughts
Our adventure with the new main party is quite fun. Despite the low-stakes adventure, we get to see them settle their differences. The plot with the Invoker gives the character a lot more nuance and weight. I’d rate this episode a solid 4.5/5.
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