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DOTA: Dragon‘s Blood Season 2 Episode 5 Recap – The Burial of the Dead

BY Harris

Published 2 years ago

DOTA: Dragon‘s Blood Season 2 Episode 5 Recap - The Burial of the Dead

Trouble Brewing

Selemene offers to comfort Invoker as he watches the unfolding tragedy on the ground. She’s been reading Filomena’s diary and now admits she was wrong for succumbing to her rage.

Invoker admits that he feels regret. He disappears in search of the girl fated to replace Selemene.

The Coedwei ambushes Fymryn’s carriage and starts murdering the humans. She sheds her disguise and tries to stop the violence but to no avail.

Lina flies back to Mirana’s palace and finds the guards interrogating Davion. Davion denies allegations of doing anything to her. The healers haven’t been able to cure her. Lina commands the guards to let him go. Later, they trace the location of where the assassin must have shot her.

Mirana remembers her life when she was a young and arrogant princess. She met Marci on her sickbed, badly injured and already unable to speak. Back home, she urged her father to do something for Marci. The king told her she couldn’t fight every battle. The Viceroy offered to help her instead. He promoted Marci’s family and made Marci Mirana’s handmaid. Punishment was handed to those who hurt her. Marci gave her a mouse doll in return.

Auroth tries her hand at healing Mirana. The Princess should have died from the attack, but somehow she hovers between being dead and alive at the same time at least there’s still hope.

The emperor laments losing Mirana and wants Luna to be hunted for the blame. Shabarra wants to find a scapegoat to execute publicly.


Nico wants to escape from the city, but Luna wants revenge. Nico advises her to be clever as they scour the underground for information. The crime boss warns him that she’s wanted and gives her a weapon.

Outside, they find the man who worked with Vanari and interrogates him. She then remembers that Vanari could have been killed during their kidnapping. Luna asks the man to help find her instead.

Viceroy Kashurra meets Davion in Mirana’s room. Davion tells him he needs to see the Eye. The meeting between Davion and Mirana seems to be a fated one, as they had already been separated by circumstance before. Lina tells him Mirana is about to marry the emperor out of convenience.

A young Mirana left the palace during a revolution for the throne. She and Marci escaped through the palace’s secret passages. Marci’s powers awakened during this time, and she could defend them both. Selemene took her in and made her Princess of the Moon.

Lina gives Davion some advice before he meets the emperor. Unfortunately, only Davion is allowed in. Shabarra is suspicious of him wanting to see the Eye, as it hasn’t been touched in 3,000 years except by the God Emperor. He wants a good reason.


Davion answers that their order shouldn’t be defied, as that guarantees their protection, but Shabarra knows that Dragonhold is in ruins. Davion reveals to him what Terrorblade has been up to. The Eye will enable Slyrak to enter the hell of hells to stop the demon.

Shabarra doesn’t buy it and denies him outright. Davion warns him of the consequences of Terrorblade succeeding. The emperor insists that Davion doesn’t have the divine power to use it. Davion chokes the emperor and sends him to the sky. There it is revealed that the emperor has no divine powers himself.

Davion drops him to his death, and the guards pursue him.

Luna bargains with the bandit to find Vanari. Nico pursues the other accomplice who turns out to be Lina. Lina burns them, but Marci arrives to help.

Our Thoughts

Glad to learn more about Mirana’s backstory, and now I’m intrigued to learn about Lina’s motives. Our heroes have gotten themselves in a tangled mess, 3.4/5.

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