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Home Articles TV Manifest Season 1 Episode 7 Recap – S.N.A.F.U.

Manifest Season 1 Episode 7 Recap – S.N.A.F.U.

BY Arabelle

Published 2 years ago

Manifest Season 1 Episode 7 Recap - S.N.A.F.U.

It’s not often that we get to see Manifest dive headfirst into the action, but this week’s episode of NBC’s hit drama is right out of a heist film as Ben goes undercover to find the source of the experiments.

The cold opening shows us just how much Ben has come to accept his role as one of those chosen by Flight 828 and how far he’s come from keeping everything bottled up.

At the start, Kelly complained about their flight while having a hard time putting her luggage in the overhead compartments. Then came a lady who helped her and said, “Now we’re all in this together.”

At present, Cal is still in the hospital. He tells his dad he is scared and still feels something wrong might happen to Marko. He thinks they are connected. His dad assures him he will never let it happen. Cal says he wants to go home, so Dr. Saanvi allows Cal to go home the next day, giving some doctor reminders.

The three, including Michaela, talk about the missing passengers. Ben is worried; his son may be discharged, but he’s not out of the woods. Cal still feels Marko.

Ben has a plan to find the passengers. He will apply as an accountant to Unified Dynamic Systems, the enterprise owning the farm. He is unemployed, so he can leverage it as an opportunity to get an interview for the entry-level position. Michaela says Ben is overqualified, but he aces it and persuades the interviewer — he gets hired.

While they are having breakfast, Grace is happy for Ben — he got a job. The salary is not ideal, but there is room for growth. Ben explains that JP Williamson company handles the books of half of the corporate companies of America, so for him, it’s a great job.

While they are talking, Olive asks them if she can go rock climbing. Ben wishes he could go, but Olive gives an awkward response. After Olive leaves, Grace explains their daughter is going with Danny — the activities helped their daughter cope with stress. Grace is trying to tell Ben, but it’s too late. Ben says it’s alright and leaves; he needs to go to work early — first day at work.

Michaela confides in Ben she is concerned about his plan. She advises him to keep a low profile while at the company. Ben says he will.

Ronnie Wilcox (Michael Drayer) welcomes Ben. He explains the ins and outs of the company then gives his company ID. He also gives an alien toy — alluding to his being a part of Flight 828.

Ben works hard while trying his luck to access some critical files in the company.

Michaela visits Evie’s parents. Beverly’s dementia is getting worse. She asks Michaela where her daughter is. She is so worried because she thinks Evie has been gone for a long time. She can’t remember her daughter died a long time ago.

Ben calls Saanvi and tells him his access is limited, and he couldn’t find any information about the company. So he plans something. He puts his company ID in the microwave oven, destroying it. While accessing a door, Ronnie, his senior, lends his ID. While the ID is with him, he uses it to access the computer’s files. He gets in and sees a folder named SP, but even his supervisor’s ID has no access to it. He clicks on the name Fiona Clarke (Francesca Faridany), it opens, and he sees usable information.

Fiona Clarke is a professor who was also with them on the plane. It turns out she works for the mastermind of the missing passengers.

Ben and Saanvi meet to discuss Fiona’s background: a neural psychologist blackballed in her field for her fringe beliefs, so she shifted to a spiritual circle and became famous for it. She believes our brains can sync up to one another, like Cal’s and Marko’s. They think she is the mastermind because of it.

At home, while in bed, Cal remembers the red door and Marko’s torture.

Olive is with Danny going rock climbing. Olive decides to stop rock climbing out of nowhere, saying she doesn’t want to do it anymore. Danny insists, saying he will still be in the rock climbing center the next day.

Vance asks his agent why Ben is now working on the entry-level of JP Williamson. The agent says Ben might need the money, thinking they have wasted enough time on his paranoid theories. They also reached out to law enforcement, but they didn’t get a single record about the missing passengers. Vance is not convinced of what they have and thinks a covert unit runs the whole thing.

Jared invites Michaela to come over for dinner with Lourdes, but Michaela thinks it’s not a good idea. Jared jokes the voices are leading her. While they are inside the car, Jared asks Michaela if she is still hearing those voices; Michaela denies it and assures she will not mess up anything again. Jared admits the NSA tasked him to watch her, but he hasn’t told them anything about her. Michaela was shocked and a little grateful for it.

Suddenly, shots are fired at the nearby barbershop. Carlos, the nephew, runs out crying. He tells his Uncle Enrique got shot. Michaela tries to revive Enrique; she can hear the heartbeat but no pulse anymore. After some time, Enrique is declared dead.

Carlos (Mateo Ferro) asks Michaela why his uncle died at the precinct while sharing their backstory. His uncle saved him when he was a sick little kid, almost not making it. The stolen money was for polishing up the shop; Enrique was preparing Carlos to take over. Enrique gave Carlos a life — that’s why he is devastated.

Carlos becomes terrified as he examines the police lineup of suspects. He says he can’t do it and walks away. Michaela begins to follow. Jared reminds her of dinner; he already informed Lourdes she would be there. Michaela reluctantly agrees.

Michaela is having dinner with Lourdes and Jared. Lourdes knows Michaela feels a bit awkward about the invitation. They are happily having dinner while reminiscing Evie’s memories, but suddenly Michaela becomes quiet and decides to go.

Michaela visits Carlos and tells him she knows why he didn’t identify his uncle’s killer. She believes it’s because he took the gun used by the murderer. That’s why they couldn’t find it at the scene, and she thinks he intends to kill the man himself once he’s released from police custody. Carlos tries to argue, but Michaela begs him not to waste his life. She asks him to return to the station the next day and find the murderer.

Saanvi and Ben attend Fiona’s convention. Fiona speaks while walking upstairs; then she sees Ben. “Finally, I’ve been waiting for you,” Fiona tells him. They wait outside to confront how she is involved with the missing passengers and ask her about the voices. But Fiona seems like she doesn’t know what they are talking about.

Ben has a poker game with his colleagues with a plan — to ask something related to the database of the company.

Ben gets a chance to talk with Olive about the rock climbing session; she says she has quit it already. The father and daughter fix their thing. Cal comes out and says to his father, “I feel him even more now. That man, things are getting worse for him.”

Meanwhile, Jared asks Michaela why she left the house so early. She says she confronted Carlos about the case. Carlos was planning revenge on whoever killed his uncle. Just as Jared explains about the voices, Carlos walks into the station. He hands Michaela the gun and says he’s ready to identify his uncle’s killer. Unfortunately, it’s too late; the cops released him a few hours ago.

Olive goes to rock climb and tells Danny she likes to do it with him.

Ben pays a visit to the IT guy and spills coffee on him, forcing him to change his clothes. Ben accesses the SP files while he’s gone. He copies the files onto a flash drive before the IT guy arrives.

Ben texts Saanvi; his mission is a success. But Vance at the NSA sees Ben’s text on a screen — he’s watching Ben’s moves.

Ben sees extra security wanding people as they leave the office. He puts the flash drive in his thermos while waiting in line.

Ben suddenly receives a text message instructing him to walk to his left immediately. He sees Director Vance down the hall, waiting for him. Vance threatens Ben with arrest for corporate espionage if he doesn’t turn over the flash drive. Cornered, Ben gives him the flash drive. He tells Vance he must find the missing passengers.

Meanwhile, Carlos’ uncle-killer is on the trail of an older man who just withdrew money from an ATM. As Michaela and Jared drive around looking for him, she hears a heartbeat, indicating which way to turn. “Left!” she screams at Jared as they speed through town. “Take a right! Right!” screams Michaela. Jared obeys. He asks how she knows what to do; she reveals a heartbeat guides her. Her heartbeat goes silent, so they stop. She goes down the car and surveys the area. She spots the assailant and tackles him as he attempts to rob the old man.

Michaela meets Carlos at his uncle’s barbershop to inform him the killer has been apprehended. When Carlos testifies, the killer will be gone for good. Michaela hears the heartbeat again while they’re talking. She looks around and notices a photograph of her late best friend, Evie, taped to a mirror. She asks about how Carlos knows Evie. He responds Evie was his heart donor.

Michaela visits Beverly, still concerned about Evie’s absence. Michaela assures her she saw Evie and is doing well. Beverly’s happy with the news.

Ben checks on Cal. Cal surprises Ben when he says Vance is no longer a bad guy, at least not anymore.

Ben and Michaela talk. Ben admits he needs to understand the calling but lacks the courage to take the leap of faith. Michaela admits she feels better since taking the risk and following her calling. She notices a drawing on the refrigerator by Cal and tells him it’s a picture of Carlos with Evie’s heart.

The episode concludes with Vance receiving a phone call from another agent saying a team is on standby waiting to arrest Ben. Vance lies, claiming Ben didn’t have anything on him. “He was clean,” Vance says.

Our Thoughts

Manifest is getting a little more plot-forward this week. The investigation into the passengers continues, but we’re also getting a little backstory on Ben. After the cold open, we’re right back in action.

At the very least, Vance will most likely now work on Ben’s side. He knows Ben is telling the truth after discovering the bandage with the drop of blood on it. There’s much more to it than that, and it’s time to deal with this new player. Is the new player more knowledgeable about the time travel issue if she is involved in the missing passengers?

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