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Money Heist Season 3 Episode 8 Recap – Astray


Published 2 years ago

Money Heist Season 3 Episode 8 Recap - Astray

[00:00:15] Sergio and Berlin continued their argument inside the monastery. Sergio thought that Tatiana was a loose end that would get them imprisoned or killed. Berlin laughed at Sergio and told him that chaos was in everything that people did, and there was nothing he could do to stop the chaos. Sergio replied that a perfect plan didn’t include chaos in it. Berlin laughed once more. He explained to Sergio that he could not expect to do the heist and have nothing go wrong. Chaos always interfered with life, and he needed to accept that fact. Berlin wanted Sergio to enjoy life and live a little.

[00:04:00] Suarez and his men arrived at the forest. Angel called Colonel Tamayo, requesting more units to properly search the forest. He instructed Suarez to search the nearby farms. Sergio radioed Raquel to check how she was doing. Raquel responded that she was mad and covered in chicken shit. Sergio apologized for his behavior. He admitted that Raquel was his first love, and he knew nothing about love or how to handle a relationship. Sergio told Raquel that everything was better with her. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Raquel happily responded that she would be able to endure three more hours in hiding because of what Sergio told her. Sergio bid Raquel farewell; he would call her again after fifteen minutes. As Raquel finished talking with Sergio, the barn owner found her inside the chicken coop and held her at gunpoint.

[00:08:30] Tokyo started the party on her own. She drank all the liquor she could find inside the drawer. She then staggered inside the bathroom, where Rio was cleaning himself up. Tokyo told him that he should have left her a long time ago, but Rio told her that this was the right moment. Denver exited one of the stalls and told them that he had heard nothing. Tokyo took this moment to return the favor to Rio. She told him about the night that Denver had tried to get in bed with Tokyo. Denver tried to leave, but Tokyo continued. Tokyo told Rio that if it hadn’t been for Moscow’s interference, who knew what would have happened. Tokyo left the bathroom right after. Denver told Rio that nothing had happened. Rio didn’t want to listen, so Denver just left without saying a word.

[00:12:00] Palermo spoke with Sergio. He told Sergio that the operation had gone smoothly, and they had already isolated the GPS and microphone chips. Sergio ordered Palermo to execute Plan Alcatraz as soon as possible. Plan Alcatraz would create a distraction to let Sergio and Raquel escape in dire situations. Inside the command center, Colonel Tamayo received information that someone was digging inside the bank. He sent his men to station themselves everywhere so that the robbers wouldn’t escape. Colonel Tamayo also requested experts so that he would get advice on whether it was possible or not to dig a tunnel under the bank.

[00:15:10] Raquel got out of the chicken coop. She created an alibi, but it failed. The owner of the barn recognized her. Raquel tried to retaliate by pulling out her pistols, but her plan didn’t work. The owner’s wife arrived with a gun pointed at her back. They told Raquel about the reward being offered by the government. Raquel tried to fight them off, but in the end, she surrendered. She took out a pencil and tied her hair. Raquel tried to negotiate her way out.

[00:18:55] Tokyo made her way to the vault. She gave Nairobi a hug and told her that they were both single. Nairobi wanted Tokyo to go back upstairs to get sober, but she refused. Tokyo wanted to swim inside the vault. Nairobi did her best to stop Tokyo. Bogota picked up Tokyo and held her near the elevator. Tokyo pleaded with Bogota to let her swim in gold instead, but he refused. Denver arrived and took Tokyo back upstairs. He scolded Tokyo. She apologized, but Denver didn’t accept it. He blamed Tokyo for their being inside the bank. Denver tried to console her. Tokyo tried to seduce Denver, but he stopped her. He ordered Tokyo to get out of the elevator.

[00:24:20] Helsinki had used a jackhammer to make the police think that they were digging a tunnel. Rio brought the GPS and microphone chip. He instructed Helsinki to stop digging. Helsinki told Rio that they had found the gallery. Colonel Tamayo and Inspector Sierra were confused. Colonel Tamayo consulted his expert, who told him that there couldn’t be a gallery at that depth. The team continued with their ruse as Palermo joined the fun. They ran on a puddle to make the police think that they were running inside a tunnel. Palermo wanted to know where Nairobi was. Rio responded that she wasn’t done melting the gold. Palermo ordered Rio to call Nairobi to tell her that they were leaving. Colonel Tamayo once again turned to his expert to find out if it was possible to melt 90 tons of gold within two days.

[00:26:00] The expert responded that it was plausible but would require a lot of machinery. He wanted to do some calculations, but Helsinki started a motorboat engine. Colonel Tamayo heard the sound of the engine and wondered what it was. The expert told Tamayo that it sounded like an engine. The team continued as Nairobi joined in as well. Rio made another sound using a couple of tools, and Colonel Tamayo took the bait. Stockholm released Sofia into the pipes carrying the GPS tracker to make the police think that they were escaping. Angel called Tamayo to follow up on his request for more men. Colonel Tamayo declined his request saying that the robbers were escaping with the gold. Finally, the team cut off the sound by destroying the mic that was implanted in Rio.

[00:28:30] The police lost the broadcast from the microphone. Colonel Tamayo had no choice but to mobilize his units to intercept the robbers inside the sewers. Suarez told Angel that they were going to check the last two barns. Angel withdrew his men and headed back to Madrid. Back in Madrid, a unit was already inside the sewers following the GPS tracker. Once they got to the location, all they found was a ferret dressed as a Dali. Colonel Tamayo felt exhausted as he loosened his necktie. Inspector Sierra comforted Colonel Tamayo, saying that if the robbers had a plan, then they would come up with one as well. Colonel Tamayo wanted to know what she was talking about, but Sierra only told him that her plans were already in motion.

[00:31:50] Raquel continued to negotiate her freedom. She told the farmers that the reward of ten million Euros was for the Professor’s head and not hers. She added that rewards are never paid, citing a scenario with an informant overseas who provided information that led to Bin Laden’s death. The farmers didn’t believe her; however, she told them that she was a former police officer, meaning she knew a thing or two about rewards. Raquel didn’t give the farmers time to breathe; she offered 15 million Euros for her freedom. The farmers looked like they wanted to accept the deal already.

[00:33:20] Inspector Sierra walked towards the bank entrance carrying a stuffed teddy bear. The police kept watching to ensure her safety. Nairobi saw Sierra walking towards the bank and headed downstairs. Denver confronted Rio for breaking up with Tokyo. He told Denver that it was a personal matter, but Denver continued to blame him. Denver told Rio that Tokyo was a time bomb and that he should have broken up with her once the heist was over. The two never finished their conversation as Palermo and Helsinki came up to them, saying that a pregnant woman was approaching carrying a teddy bear.

[00:35:00] Nairobi ran towards Palermo, insisting on getting the teddy bear. He told Nairobi that they were going to get the teddy bear. She wanted to get it herself, but Helsinki stopped her. Denver called Miguel, volunteering him to get the teddy bear. Arturo tried to stop Miguel by telling him that it was a suicide mission and that the bear could have explosives inside. Denver furiously told Arturo that if it was explosives, he would send him personally. He talked to Miguel, telling him that it was his moment and that Amanda was watching. Denver opened the door, and Miguel stepped outside. He introduced himself to the police, still in fear of getting shot.

[00:37:20]  Miguel took the teddy bear and headed back inside. He handed the teddy bear to Denver, who took it to the X-ray machine to be scanned. Miguel went back to the hostages, where he received thunderous applause. The team scanned the teddy bear and found a phone inside. Helsinki opened the teddy bear and found a bag full of pills, along with the phone. Helsinki took the phone out, and it rang. Nairobi snatched the phone and answered it. Inspector Sierra told her that she wanted to make an offer, but Nairobi refused and ended their conversation. Nairobi left the lobby, but Palermo wanted to know what was going on. She pointed her pistol at him and continued walking. Denver followed Nairobi; however, Stockholm stopped him and volunteered to follow Nairobi.

[00:39:20] Raquel continued her negotiations. The farmers trusted the police rather than their team. Raquel pointed out that they gave 140 million Euros to the people of Madrid and could easily give 15 to 20 million Euros for her freedom. She added that they would be considered outcasts if they handed her over. She told the farmers that the people loved them since they were rescuing their teammate, who was being tortured by the police. Raquel promised that no one would ever find out that they had had this conversation and would receive the money within two hours once they let her go. The farmers agreed to Raquel’s offer just as the police arrived at their doorstep.

[00:40:40] Stockholm found Nairobi caressing the teddy bear inside one of the offices. She knew the bear belonged to Nairobi’s son. Nairobi told Stockholm that the bear no longer smelled like her son. Nairobi admitted that she was a bad mother, but Stockholm disagreed. She told Stockholm the truth. Stockholm couldn’t believe that Nairobi could use her son as a mule. Just as they finished their conversation, Inspector Sierra called. She told Nairobi that her son Axel was with her. Nairobi didn’t trust Sierra, but she showed Axel to her as proof.

[00:44:30] Inspector Sierra walked out of the command center with Axel. Nairobi looked through the window and caught a glimpse of him. She chuckled and cried upon seeing her son. Inspector Sierra nodded to the sniper in position and gave permission to shoot Nairobi. Stockholm told Nairobi to step away from the window, but it was too late. A sniper shot Nairobi in her shoulder.

[00:45:20] Inside the barn, Raquel begged the farmers to hide her. Justino demanded 20 million Euros for her freedom. Raquel agreed, but Justino’s wife didn’t want to go to jail. Raquel brought her radio out to get confirmation from Sergio regarding the money. He confirmed, without any hesitation, that they would receive the money as soon as possible. Justino wanted to hide Raquel inside their trap door, but his wife disagreed, telling him that there wasn’t enough time. Back at the bank, Helsinki rushed to Nairobi’s aid. The team worked on her wound to prevent her from bleeding to death. Inspector Sierra went back inside the command center and told Colonel Tamayo that it was time to launch their attack. Colonel Tamayo ordered his armored unit to break down the bank doors.

[00:47:10] Justino decided to hide Raquel despite his wife’s disagreement. Her wife decided otherwise and ran outside to inform Suarez that Raquel was inside the barn talking with the Professor. Suarez and his men prepared to storm the barn and arrest Raquel. Bogota entered the office and saw Nairobi bleeding on the floor. He gave her morphine so that they could remove the bullet from her wound. Palermo left the room as Denver noticed that the police were preparing to enter the bank.

[00:49:00] Suarez and his men entered the barn and escorted Justino outside. Raquel surrendered; however, Suarez had other plans. Sergio told Raquel to buy time until he could get to the barn. Suarez wanted to know the whereabouts of Sergio; however, Raquel refused to tell him. Sergio sprinted towards the barn; he stopped when he heard a gunshot through the radio. Without a doubt, Suarez had murdered Raquel as Sergio heard a second shot. Palermo radioed Sergio. He responded by telling Palermo that Raquel was dead. Palermo, on the other hand, told Sergio that a sniper had shot Nairobi.

[00:52:00] Nairobi told Helsinki that she had seen her son a few moments ago. Tokyo and Stockholm broke into tears as Nairobi told Helsinki that her son was fine. She smiled, knowing that her son was doing fine. Sergio had declared war and wanted Palermo to act accordingly. Palermo rushed to the lobby along with Denver. Meanwhile, Colonel Tamayo ordered his men to enter the bank. Nairobi wanted Helsinki and Tokyo to swear that they would give Nairobi’s share of the loot to her son when he turned eighteen. Helsinki agreed, but Tokyo told Nairobi that she could do it herself, assuring her that she would get out of the bank alive. Palermo came back to inform everyone about the state of things. Helsinki told Palermo that he couldn’t leave Nairobi alone, so Tokyo volunteered in his place.

[00:54:00] Rio and Tokyo positioned themselves in front of the bank doors. Palermo ordered the hostages to clear the room and brace themselves. While Denver opened the door, Tokyo and Rio shot the armored vehicle and blew it up. Colonel Tamayo couldn’t believe what had happened. The security escorts of the armored unit got out of the way as Denver closed the bank doors. An officer exited the armored vehicle and dropped to the ground as he burned to death. Nairobi closed her eyes. Helsinki and Bogota did their best to wake her up, but she was unresponsive.

[00:56:00] Suarez dragged Raquel back to their vehicles. Earlier, Inspector Sierra had ordered Suarez to fool Sergio by pretending to execute Raquel. As a result, Sergio had taken the bait and executed the armored unit for no reason.



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