My Hero Academia Season 3 Episode 3 Recap – Kota
BY Harris
Published 2 years ago

Quirk Training
Class B woke up early the next morning to receive the same lecture Aizawa gave class A. Their teacher Vlad aims to improve their quirks so the other class won’t overshadow them. The students ask how it could be possible for them to improve their vastly different quirks.
Vlad explains that quirks will improve like muscles with continuous usage. He then leads them to the training area where the 1A students are already working.
Each student has their special training regiment to work on. For example, Bakugo has to dip his hands in boiling water to make as many explosions as possible. Todoroki has to alternate his two sides and keep his bathwater temperature constant. Sero must increase his tape speed and release strength by continuously producing tape. Kirishima and Ojiro have to spar with each other to strengthen their quirks.
Vlad and Aizawa explain that they’ll need to accelerate the growth of their quirks in this camp. Helping the two teachers are the four members of the Wild, Wild Pussycat agency. The first member, Ragdoll, can gather info on people just by looking at them. Pixie-Bob can control Earth, Mandalay has telepathy while Tiger has a pliable body that can stretch, flatten and bend beyond normal.
Tiger gathers the physical power-up types to his side, which already has Midoriya training on it. The manly pussycat trains him to strengthen his muscle fibers and go Plus Ultra on his attacks. The wide range of skills from the pussycat agency makes them the best companion for this training regimen.
Midoriya tries his best to train so as not to waste the lessons given by All Might and Gran Torino. On one of the nearby bushes, Kota watches silently.
For dinner, the Pussycats give the students ingredients to make curry themselves. Everyone is tired, but Iida convinces them that this scenario is similar to rescue work. The curry they make isn’t exactly restaurant quality but nobody minds due to everyone’s hunger and exhaustion.
Midoriya sees Kota spying on them again as they leave for the woods. Midoriya follows him and gives him a bowl of curry. The kid refuses and tells Midoriya to leave his secret hideout. Kota expresses disgust at them trying to improve their quirks.
Midoriya inquires if his parents were Water Hose, heroes he remembered from an old incident. Kota doesn’t want to hear it. He hates the dichotomy between hero and villain. Failing to console him, Midoriya leaves him alone with a plate of curry.
Far beyond the mountains, seven members of the League of Villains prepare for their next attack while the students sleep.
The third day comes with each student reaching their limits, but Aizawa doesn’t hold up. He reminds them all to remember where they came from.
Test your Courage
Pixie-Bob invites them all to a test-of-courage game to be held that night. Midoriya explains to Todoroki that he’s looking for All Might in the hopes of inspiring Kota to stop hating heroes. Todoroki tells him that actions might prove better than words alone.
The test of courage game starts after dinner, with Class A and B alternating between the scarers and challengers. Quirks are allowed to scare people without touching them. Pairs of challengers will have to go around a loop in the dark forest while retrieving their name tags at the midpoint.
While in the middle of the game, the Class B students suddenly smell something burning. Soon, a poisonous mist envelops the land and causes students to pass out. On top of that, a blue flame burns through the woods, and Pixie-Bob gets abducted.
The League of Villains is on the attack. Midoriya remembers that Kota is at his hideout, alone.
Our Thoughts
The villains look absolutely terrifying compared to our goofy heroes. This will be a good test of their strengths; 3.8/5.
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