‘SEAL Team’ Season 3 Fall Finale ‘Unbecoming an Officer’ Review: All In
BY Daniel Rayner
Published 5 years ago

Much happened in SEAL Team after the SEALs return from their mission on Yemen. When Bravo Team’s leader faces an injury that threatens his career, one steps up to lead the pack. Now that he is back in action, the team takes on a mission that unexpectedly goes haywire. Back at home, one faces disciplinary action following an incident at a local bar. Bravo Team embarks on a race against time to save themselves before saving their best intelligence officer.
On Wednesday’s episode of SEAL Team, Jason Hayes (David Boreanaz) has his first mission after returning from surgery. Back at home, Lisa Davis (Toni Trucks) faces the consequences of her actions in a bar mishap involving local law enforcement. Unexpectedly, The SEALs’ mission becomes a desperate escape as it takes a curious turn. As this happens, Clay Spenser (Max Thieriot) and Sonny Quinn’s (A.J. Buckley) friendship has tensions after Clay introduces his new girlfriend, Rebecca Bowen (Adelaide Kane).
Knockout Gas

The operation Bravo team found themselves in greatly shows a Navy SEALs’ quick-thinking skills. Under pressure and split into two squads, Bravo Team set out to look for their target, Russian arms dealer Yevgenny Kostarov (Bogdan Yasinski). Meaning to make it back and save Davis from getting fired, Bravo Team worked on their toes up until hostiles throw a grenade, setting off charges kept in the basement of the complex. With Sonny, Brock (Justin Melnick), Cerberus (Dita The Hair Missile Dog), and Vic Lopez (Lucca De Oliveira) in the stairwell. Thankfully, Bravo Teams’ leaders, Jason and Ray Perry (Neil Brown Jr.) think fast and have the squad out of the smoke that threatened to knock all four of them unconscious. Soon as Jason and Clay salvage the intel they needed from their now-dead target, Bravo Team comes to the trapped squad’s rescue making good use of everything in their arsenal.
The Master takes a New Padawan

In-between Star Wars references and recalling happy experiences, Sonny and Clay experience a rift between them. Perhaps because of Sonny’s experience with Lisa and Clay’s past with an ex named Stella (Alona Tal), Sonny expresses his dislike of Clay’s new girl, Rebecca. While’ Sonny’s concern is understandable, he has a harsh way of expressing it. Thankfully, Clay knows him too well to read between Sonny’s attacks to know what bothers him. Finally, Clay figures out that Sonny and Lisa dated, but is not angry about it. Instead, he expresses concern over Sonny’s state of mind. Thankfully, Sonny accepts this concern willingly, assuring Clay that his head is indeed in the game.
Part of the Family

In a touching, reassuring sequence, Bravo Team comes to Lisa’s rescue immediately after they make it back to base after their operation. At this point, Lisa is on the verge of giving up, refusing to stand up for herself when confronted by her superiors, including Lt. Cmdr. Eric Blackburn (Judd Lormand). Lisa was prepared to give up her career and admit her failed romance with Sonny, too. Thankfully, Bravo Team shows up just in time to show their support for Lisa, offering their sentiments about Lisa’s credibility as Bravo Team’s Intelligence Operative. Eventually, High Command lets Lisa off the hook and Bravo Team celebrates at their favorite hangout. While Ray did not join Bravo Team in defending Lisa, Lisa understands and knows that Ray merely fears for his promotion. Bravo Team is a family, and despite all that goes on, their loyalty and understanding remain intact.
Plenty of Strings Attached

One of Jason’s main realizations during his time off-field is that he should have a life outside of Bravo Team. In previous episodes, we see Jason introspect and think of himself as Jason, not as Bravo One. Finally, Jason opens himself up and acknowledges his feelings for Natalie Pierce (Emily Swallow). At first, the pair agreed to keep their thing a secret, but Jason soon realizes that his life is full of interconnected strings. Sure, Jason is no romantic, but he does his best to explain what he wants Natalie to understand. Jason’s life is a series of messy strings and he wants Natalie to be sure that she wants to be part of his life. Thankfully, Natalie does not walk away from him. It is long overdue for Jason to start loving someone again, and this episode does an excellent job of humanizing Bravo Team’s Unbreakable Leader.
‘SEAL Team’ Season 3 Fall Finale ‘Unbecoming an Officer’ Final Verdict
SEAL Team does a good bit of exploring a SEAL Operative’s psyche in the Fall Finale. Here, it has a view of what it is like to have close friendships between two of Bravo Team’s members. The life situation of someone choosing family and his career also gets a fair share of the spotlight. While the romance in the armed forces is an often poorly portrayed concept, here we have an authentic representation. Indeed, the life of Bravo Team’s members do not revolve around their missions alone, but also in their relationships both inside and outside the boundaries of their calling.
SEAL Team returns Wednesday, February 26th on CBS.
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