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The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Episode 7 Recap – Öga for Öga


Published 2 years ago

The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Episode 7 Recap - Öga for Öga

Five goes to 1982 to kill the board of directors. He asks the receptionist for change in order to buy a candy bar from their vending machine. Sadly, the candy bar didn’t fall after he buys it which angered Five. He ends up breaking the vending machine but he didn’t take the candy bar after. Five took a fireman’s axe and went inside the room where the board of directors where meeting. He used his powers to hack everyone down except for AJ. Five was about to kill him when the receptionist entered the room and tackled him to the floor. She wanted Five to pay for the machine but he knocks her out instead. Five chases AJ down the corridor and killed him before he could escape.

Ben waits for Klaus to fall asleep so that he could use his body for his own goals. Klaus did his best to keep himself from sleeping but he couldn’t keep at it. He eventually fell asleep but woke up a few seconds after. Klaus told Ben that he’s going through a lot and he doesn’t want to fight with him. Klaus didn’t know what to do because he couldn’t save Dave. Ben told Klaus that he felt powerless everyday with him. Klaus felt bad for Ben and he finally agrees to let him use his body so that he could talk to Jill.

Vanya returned to the farm thinking that they could escape however Carl already knows everything between them. That morning, Sissy needs to bring Harlan to his doctor for a check-up. She asks Vanya to come along but Carl already has a plan to stop them. He asks Vanya to drive him to a nearby ranch instead. Carl didn’t know that Vanya has powers and he thinks he could overpower Vanya easily on his own. Vanya obliged and told Sissy that she would accompany Carl instead. Meanwhile, Ray went off to see his associate, Miles, because they were meeting Robert Kennedy’s men for a sit down. The protest reached the offices of the Kennedy’s and they wanted to talk about their next move. Ray felt excited because their hard work was finally paying off.

Five met with The Handler and brought her AJ in a plastic bag. She gave Five a briefcase and told him that they have 90 minutes to return to 2019. Five didn’t know there was a time limit but he no longer had time to spare. 90 minutes was ticking and he needs to locate all of his family members so that they could go back to 2019. Meanwhile, Diego badly translated Oga for Oga as Oga Foroga. He thought it was a name so Luther checks the Dallas phone book for clues. They found a name, Olga Foroga, so Diego tells Luther to call the number. Diego tells Olga that she will be dead by nightfall but Five arrives to make the correction. He tells them that Oga for Oga means Eye for an Eye in Swedish.

Diego ends the phone call by telling Olga that he has the wrong number. The Handler announces that all 12 board members are dead and that she’s taking over The Commission. None of the employees dared to question her authority as they feared her wrath. Lila knew something was off so she went out to check on Diego. Five tells Diego and Luther about his plan. He tells them to gather their siblings and meet back in the alley in 77 minutes. Five gave them synchronized watches so that they won’t be late. Diego questions the timing of Five’s plan however Five tells him that they don’t have time for an argument. Diego wants to say goodbye to Lila so Five told him the truth about her. He didn’t believe Five but he tells Diego that if he doesn’t obey he will kill him.

Klaus laid some ground rules for Ben to follow. He was allowing Ben to use his body in order to talk with Jill. Ben felt excited and he hurriedly entered Klaus’s body. Ben used Klaus’s body for a moment to feel how it was to be alive again. He ate a fruit and walked barefoot on soil. As he was enjoying the moment, Jill came up to him and asks to join him. Ben enjoys his moment with Jill as they laid on the soil to make dirt angels. Meanwhile, Carl and Vanya arrive at the ranch. Carl told Vanya the truth. He was going to send Harlan away because he didn’t want to take care of him. Carl knew that he would get his way if Vanya would leave. He gave the keys to Vanya and told her to pack up.

Luther went to visit Allison to tell her that they’re leaving. Allison didn’t want to go without any assurance however they need to leave and risk everything to save everything. Luther told Allison that their best trait as a family is to hope that whatever they did together would save the world. Allison knew that it was time to leave but Ray arrives and saw her crying. Ray knew that Luther told her something and he wanted to know the answer immediately. Meanwhile, Ben and Jill were getting to know each other. Ben knew everything about Jill and she was still a crazy blind follower of Klaus. She reveals that she had four way sex last week with Keechie and Klaus. Ben couldn’t believe it but he didn’t mind, he wanted to have sex with Jill. They were about to fuck each other in the garden when Diego arrived.

Diego told Klaus that it was time to leave not knowing that Ben was using his body. Ben told Jill that he will be right back. The Handler placed AJ inside the fish bowl. AJ couldn’t talk to anyone without his special fish bowl so no one would suspect a thing. Lila was worried about Diego so The Handler showed her the big surprise ahead of time. She planned on making Lila her head of security. Lila tells The Handler that she wants the promotion however she wants to be able to make her own decision and choose her own team. The Handler agrees because Lila deserves it after all that she did for her.

[00:28:00] Diego drags Ben away from Jill to tell him that they need to leave. Ben tells Diego that he’s Ben and that he’s just using Klaus’s body. Diego asks Ben a question that only he would know the answer to and Ben got it right. Diego couldn’t believe that he was speaking to Ben. He tells Ben that they need to leave and go back to 2019 but Ben wasn’t ready to leave. He wants to stay for a bit longer to have sex with Jill. Diego also needs to see Lila so he told Ben to meet them at the alleyway in 30 minutes. Ben agrees and promises not to be late.

[00:30:00] Vanya was driving back to see Sissy and Harlan when she passes Five. They got out of their cars to talk. Five tells Vanya that he found a way back to 2019 and they need to leave in 30 minutes. Vanya wants to take Sissy and Harlan with them but they couldn’t risk it. Five tells Vanya that no one is insignificant when it comes to time travel. Vanya and Five got into a heated argument and they were prepared to kill each other. Vanya didn’t want to waste time so she tells Five that she’s going to be there. She wants to say goodbye to Sissy and Harlan first. Five agrees and tells Vanya to meet with them in the alleyway.

[00:32:00] Diego was digging for something when Lila found him. Diego told Lila that he knew the truth. He knew that she lied to him and that she was just using him. Lila defended herself and told Diego that she lied to keep him alive. Diego and Lila both have trust issues when it comes to other people but Lila couldn’t answer Diego when he asked her why she lied to him. Diego was digging a grave for Elliott. He couldn’t leave him behind just being dead in his apartment. Diego told Lila that The Swedes killed Elliott. Lila took out her flask and made a toast to Elliott in his memory. While Diego continues digging the hole, he suddenly felt dizzy.

[00:34:00] Lila wasn’t drinking in Elliott’s memory, she used it to trick Diego into drinking from her flask which was spiked. Diego fell into the hole that he was digging and Lila positioned him further. It seems she wanted to kill Diego in order not to look weak in The Handler’s eyes. Meawnhile, Allison told Ray the truth. He couldn’t believe that Allison needs to leave in 23 minutes. Allison offered to use her powers so that Ray would forget but he refused. Ray told Allison that he doesn’t want to forget about her. Allison heard a knock on their door and she opened it. The Swedes were at her doorstep but she didn’t know who they were. One of the men punched Allison’s throat so that she won’t be able to use her powers. Allison took a step back as she had difficulty breathing.

Sissy and Harlan arrive and saw Vanya packing her stuff. She tells them that they were leaving but she wants to talk with Carl first. Vanya told Sissy that they don’t have to tell Carl because he already knows about their relationship. Vanya tells Sissy that Carl is threatening to send Harlan to an institution if they don’t leave. Meanwhile, Ben had sex with Jill and it was the best thing he ever did. Keechie saw Ben leaving and asks him where he’s going. Ben responds that he’s leaving for a soul searching quest and that he’ll be back in a few years. He left Keechie in charge of the cult and told him that he could do everything in his absence.

Allison and Ray struggle to protect themselves against the Swedes. Ben and Klaus were in a battle for control over their body. Klaus did his best to reject Ben’s soul but Ben was putting up a big fight. Five and Luther were already at the alley but Diego and Allison wouldn’t make it. Klaus was the third member to arrive. There was only 8 minutes remaining but Allison was able to get her voice back. She told the other Swede to kill his own brother. He tried to resist Allison’s power but there was no way to hold back. He approached his brother and strangled him to death. The man leaves as he knew that he killed his own brother. He couldn’t accept what happened and he could no longer fight Allison after what he did.

Sissy left a note for Carl and that would be her undoing as the state troopers set up a road block to stop them from leaving. Meanwhile, Lila brought Diego to The Commission. She introduced Diego to the Handler as her boyfriend. It seems Lila wants to turn Diego as her teammate in The Commission. Five and Luther were frustrated that they weren’t able to return to 2019 because Allison, Diego, and Vanya didn’t make it in time. The briefcase was charging exactly as The Handler told Five. He didn’t have any choice but to throw the briefcase away so that it won’t bring them back to 2019.

The troopers pulled Vanya’s car over and told her to get out. Vanya didn’t want to hurt them but she didn’t have any other choice. She chose to knock them out but that was the worst idea. One of the troopers was Sissy’s brother-in-law and he managed to knock Vanya out before she could knock him out. Sissy went out to help Vanya who laid unconscious on the dirt road.

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