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Lupin Season 1 Episode 4 Recap – Chapter 4


Published 2 years ago

Lupin Season 1 Episode 4 Recap - Chapter 4

[00:00:30] A drone flew into a house. It made its way through the endless corridors and entered an office. A camera was attached to the drone and recorded everything while it was flying. The drone flew into one of the security sensors, which tripped the alarm. The sound of the alarm woke Mr. Pellegrini up. His men escorted him into his panic room while they tried to capture the drone. It did its best to escape; however, it flew into a dead end. The men took the drone to Mr. Pellegrini. He found a note attached to the camera. “I’ll get you” had been scribbled on a piece of paper.

[00:03:00] The guards searched the grounds but didn’t find the pilot. Assane sat on the rooftop. He had piloted the drone via remote control. The next day, Dumont was having breakfast when Assane visited him. Dumont was eating a sandwich while turning the pages of his newspaper. He went to take a bite, but the sandwich had disappeared. Assane was eating the sandwich. Dumont didn’t recognize him. He introduced himself and gave Dumont his gift, A replacement for Circe, the music player that Dumont had destroyed in front of his wife. Assane wanted to know what Dumont planned on telling Mr. Pellegrini. Dumont didn’t plan to cooperate, but Assane had known that from the start. Assane asked Dumont where he thought his wife was. Dumont responded that his wife was at work, but Assane told him she wasn’t there.

[00:05:30] Dumont asked Assane to leave his wife out of their problems. Assane told Dumont that he needed to start talking to ensure his wife’s safety. Dumont asked Assane to stop threatening his family in exchange for his cooperation. He made Assane give him his word, but Assane told Dumont that he wasn’t a man of his word. Dumont couldn’t risk his family’s safety, so he gave Assane a name, Fabienne Beriot. She was a journalist who had come close to bringing down Mr. Pellegrini. Assane left Dumont without saying another word. He immediately called to check on his wife. She was indeed at the office. Dumont gave a sigh of relief knowing that his wife was safe.

[00:07:00] Assane went back to his hideout and started searching for information about Fabienne Beriot. She had written a book about Pellegrini, so Assane bought it. The book came via mail, and he started reading it. Meanwhile, Fabienne was living off the grid. She got home from buying her groceries and was shocked to find Assane sitting in her living room. Assane had come to see Fabienne after reading her book. He offered an alliance to bring Pellegrini down. She refused. Fabienne couldn’t trust Assane; she thought that he was one of Pellegrini’s men. Assane told Fabienne about what Pellegrini had done to him and his father in 1995. She still didn’t believe and refused his offer. Assane left empty-handed, but he left Fabienne’s book in her apartment. She went to take a look at her past self in a portrait behind the book.

[00:12:00] Laughier, Belkacem, and Guedira went to Commissioner Dumont. They told him that the man that had kidnapped him might also be the necklace thief. Guedira also told Dumont about his theory that the thief was taking inspiration from Arsene Lupin. They told Dumont that they would return to him with a composite sketch of Assane to see if he was the one who had kidnapped him. The three of them left Dumont’s office. During that time, Dumont received a message from Pellegrini. He asked when he wanted to talk about Babakar. Dumont responded that he was still gathering information.

[00:14:00] Assane was walking back to his hideout when Fabienne’s dog appeared. He immediately recognized the dog and saw Fabienne sitting in her car. He entered the car and asked Fabienne if she was willing to accept his offer. Fabienne said she was, and their alliance was established. She explained that Mr. Pellegrini had taken the thing that she valued the most, her career. Fabienne was left with nothing, and this time she had nothing to lose. The two of them planned to bring down Mr. Pellegrini once and for all. Fabienne wanted to know Assane’s real name. She knew that he wasn’t telling the truth when he introduced himself as Guillaume Berlat, nor as Jean Daspry. Fabienne told Assane that she needed his real name, or their agreement was off. Assane gave her his real name, and they shook their hands to seal their alliance.

[00:16:00] Assane showed Fabienne his hideout. He told Fabienne about the night he had broken into Pellegrini’s house. He hadn’t found anything that could be used to drag his name in the dirt. Fabienne pointed out that she had tried to drag Mr. Pellegrini’s name once, but she failed. The two of them pieced together why Pellegrini would frame Babakar. He needed the insurance money to save his company. Assane explained that Pellegrini could cover it up before, but now there was no way he could cover up something big once they unleashed the information into the modern world. Fabienne told Assane that she may have something big enough to start the downward spiral of Mr. Pellegrini’s name. Meanwhile, Laughier was with a sketch artist, trying to make a composite of Assane’s face.

[00:18:00] Assane and Fabienne went to her previous workplace, The Objector. It was the newspaper that she had worked for before Pellegrini got her fired. She told Asssane that he needed to get to a box in the archives room labeled 80’s sports. Inside the box was a green videotape. It was about a meeting that Mr. Pellegrini had attended in 1996. Fabienne knew that it was something big that would ruin Pellegrini. She had tried countless times to acquire it, but everyone inside the building knew her, and she couldn’t get past security. Assane taught Fabienne the coward trick. He went inside the building disguised as a geeky black man. Fabienne called the security desk of the building and posed as Nathalie Lacombe. She told security that one of her informants was going to drop off a file for her.

[00:20:00] Fabienne described a man resembling Assane; the guard saw Assane near the main entrance. The guard stopped him and sent him through the security gate. Fabienne was laughing in her car as their scheme had worked like a charm. Meanwhile, the police were already making a composite based on information that the city hall employees had given them. They were nowhere close to Assane’s identity. The guards of The Objector realized that Assane was a fake. Nathalie Lacombe was on sick leave, so she wouldn’t be able to see anyone in her office. The guards chased Assane, but he got out of the building and into Fabienne’s car before they could apprehend him. The police were able to make four composite sketches of what Assane’s supposedly face looked like. Once again they were back to square one. Guedira told Laughier that Arsene had the ability to change his appearance.

[00:22:00] Fabienne and Assane watched the tape. It was a meeting about a weapons deal. Pellegrini had sold some weapons to terrorists, who used them to attack the French Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. They released the video on Twitter, which had been re-tweeted 2000 times by the next morning. The tweet reached Juliette Pellegrini who was in a meeting with her father at that time. She showed the tweet to Mr. Pellegrini, who responded that it should be taken down. Juliette asked her father why the tweet needed to be taken down if they had nothing to hide. Mr. Pellegrini pointed out that he didn’t want the world to think that they were hiding something. Juliette made her father swear that he was telling the truth. He responded by telling Juliette that he would never lie to her.

[00:26:00] Assane went to Claire’s apartment because she was going out for girl’s night. Assane learned that Claire was going out on dates with other men. He told Raoul that he was happy that Claire was happy. Raoul told his father to stop pretending that he didn’t care because it was annoying him. After the tweet, Mr. Pellegrini held a press conference outside their home to address the situation. He was accompanied by his daughter, Juliette. Mr. Pellegrini called out Assane using his Twitter alias “Salvator813.” He told Assane to show himself if his claims were true and legitimate. Fabienne attended the press conference and asked Mr. Pellegrini about the people who had died in Kuala Lumpur. One of his bodyguards noticed her and started following her. Fabienne went back to her apartment, not knowing whether the guy was still following her or not.

[00:30:00] Assane gave a bouquet to Fabienne for a job well done. She told Assane that one of Mr. Pellegrini’s men had followed her, but she had managed to lose him. Assane told Fabienne that he had already made contact with The Other Edition. He told them that Salvator wanted to show himself to the public in order to rat out Mr. Pellegrini. Fabienne wanted to come with Assane, but he refused. He told Fabienne that she had already risked a lot for him. It was his turn to take some risks. Assane planned to go on The Other Edition as Salvator so that their two million viewers could hear what he had to say. Meanwhile, Laughier, Belkacem, and Guedira went back to Commissioner Dumont to show him the composite sketches that the police had made. None of the four portraits matched Assane; however, Guedira showed Dumont a fifth sketch.

[00:33:00] The fifth sketch matched Assane perfectly. Guedira went back to Vincent and the rest of his team, along with the sketch artist. The three of them identified Assane through the sketch. Dumont was astonished upon seeing the fifth sketch. He tried to hide his surprise and told them that even the fifth sketch didn’t match. Guedira knew that Dumont was lying; he knew that Arsene Lupin was the fifth sketch. Dumont removed Guedira from the case. He told Laughier and Belkacem to continue working on the case and not associate it with his previous case. The two of them left as Guedira disappointingly took back the fifth sketch. He caught up with Laughier and Belkacem. He told them that Dumont was hiding something. Belkacem told him that they could not investigate their own commissioner. Laughier sided with Belkacem, he told Guedira to drop his theories and let it go.

[00:34:00] Assane went to his makeup kits in order to change his appearance. He asked Fabienne for her assistance in order to complete his transformation. She handed a couple of brushes as Assane asked for them while he fixed himself in the mirror. The two of them engaged in a friendly conversation. Assane gave a gift to Fabienne. It was a golden pen. He hoped that the pen would encourage her to write again. Fabienne responded that she hadn’t been Fabienne in a very long time. She told Assane that he was the reason Fabienne had risen from the dead. The return of Fabienne was a gift in itself. After his transformation, Assane went to The Other Edition for Salvator’s interview. He told the host that the video he was about to show them was about Mr. Pellegrini selling weapons to terrorists in Malaysia back in 1996.

[00:37:00] It was the same terrorists who had launched the attack on the French embassy that year. The tape was played; however, Assane noticed something odd. The tape kept on jumping. He knew that someone had tampered with it. Someone had tampered with the video because it was no longer the same video as before. The part where Mr. Pellegrini mentioned the weapons was gone. After the video, the host told Salvator that there was nothing compromising on the video that they had played. One of Pellegrini’s men stood by the door and waited for the interview to end. Salvator could no longer speak on live television when he saw Pellegrini’s man. The host cut to a commercial break. Assane asked the host how much Pellegrini had paid him. The host told Assane to cut the conspiracy act. Pellegrini stood in the booth laughing as he watched the interview.

[00:39:00] Pellegrini’s men tried to apprehend Assane, but they were unsuccessful. They thought they were going up against an elderly man. They were caught off guard by his brute strength. Assane managed to fight off about six men. He exited the building and removed his latex face. He flipped his jacket and walked away. After the interview, Juliette called her father. She told him that Assane was Salvator. She told him about their meeting in Luxembourg gardens. Pellegrini continued to feed lies to his daughter. He told Juliette that Assane blamed him for the death of his father. He told Juliette that he wouldn’t allow Assane to destroy their empire. Meanwhile, Fabienne wrote something down for Assane in her book. Somehow she knew it was the right time to write it down. She heard a knock at her door, but she ignored it. Fabienne continued writing.

[00:41:30] Fabienne went to the door when she had finished her message for Assane. She opened the door, but it wasn’t Assane who entered. It was one of Pellegrini’s men. He demanded Assane’s address, but she refused to cooperate. The man gave Fabienne one last chance to tell him Assane’s address. She told him that a good journalist never revealed her sources. By the time Assane had arrived, it was too late. J’accuse barked at Assane upon his arrival. Assane knew something was wrong, so he rushed inside. He found Fabienne hanging by a noose. It looked like she committed had suicide, but that wasn’t the case. Assane mourned Fabienne’s death. He was taken aback by the scene, so he needed to sit down at the table and, in doing so, saw the book.

[00:43:30] Assane took Fabienne’s book along with her dog. He wiped his tears before leaving the apartment. Assane knew he needed to avenge Fabienne’s death. Meanwhile, Guedira studied the interview of Salvator. Assane returned to his hideout and read Fabienne’s message. She had somehow foreseen her death, which prompted her to write the message. Assane took it to heart. Guedira stared at the eyes of Salvator. He had known that it was Assane all along. Assane’s eyes were on fire. A fire that could only be put out once its oxygen had been exhausted.

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