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ONCE UPON A TIME Spring Premiere Recap: “Tougher Than the Rest”

BY The Screen Spy Team

Published 7 years ago

ONCE UPON A TIME Spring Premiere Recap:

By Meredith Loftus


ONCE’s Spring Premiere: Tougher than the Rest

Hiatus is over!

In the spring premiere of Once Upon A Time Emma, Regina, and an alternative version of Robin Hood make their way back to Storybrooke, with the help of alternative version of August.

In a flashback, we learn that Emma gave herself the Swan last name after a teenage August helps her believe in herself and gets her off the streets.

Meanwhile, Rumple and Belle reunite with their son, Gideon, and agree to work together to protect him as well as Emma. However, Gideon plans to kill Emma in order to become a savior and save the realm he grew up in from the Black Fairy, aka his grandmother.

Charming feels guilty that he couldn’t protect Emma the Evil Queen, so he decides not to wake up Snow until his daughter is safe and sound, but Emma returns to Storybrooke and faces her first battle with Gideon.

She is able to defeat him but he disappears to plot a new way to defeat the Savior.

Look out, Storybrooke: War is coming.

Believing in the Happy Endings

Emma Swan’s metamorphosis may be complete, but the battle isn’t over yet. This season she has been fighting visions that prophesize her death, trying to prepare for her inevitable doom and do it alone. Of course, when Killian, Henry, and her family find out, they believed that they all could stop this vision from coming true even though Emma did not necessarily believe it for herself. After all the curses and challenges, you would think that Emma wouldn’t need a reminder in how to believe in herself. Faith doesn’t function like a one-time workout; it’s a muscle that must be used over time to strengthen and endure. August helps her exercise her faith by reminding her of the ugly duckling tale he encouraged her with all those years ago. Even during the darkest times of Emma’s story, it was the belief from her family and herself that gave her the strength to overcome it. If you believe in something strong enough, you have the power to change your fate.

Knowing that someone else believes in you is empowering. Our faith in ourselves can be strengthened by our loved ones. Snow and Charming have a rock solid belief that their daughter can do anything. However, in the spring premiere, Charming struggles to believe that he can be enough to save Emma. After losing her again, he puts everything into finding Gideon and stopping him before he can hurt Emma. He can’t risk failure now. On the other hand, Rumple and Belle find their son and learn about the hardships he has faced as well as his determination to kill a savior. It definitely puts them at odds with the Charmings. Their children could potentially kill each other. Belle and Rumple carry the same guilt Charming carries: they weren’t enough to protect their child from danger. The guilt doesn’t have to define what they do moving forward. Now that Belle and Rumple know that their son wants to save others from the persecution of the Black Fairy, they can work together to help him find a solution that doesn’t involve death. Rumple’s desire to help his son also sparks his path to redemption, which could potentially bring reconciliation between him and his estranged wife.

The road to redemption is one Regina Mills knows all too well. Her battles have been tough, fighting extra hard to not give in to the dark version of herself. Losing Robin Hood has been hard, from grieving to coping and moving forward. She misses him and her love for him has not faded. It’s why she hesitates to jump through the portal after seeing him in Emma’s alternative dream universe. It’s why she seeks him out and wants to know if his life was better without her. It’s why she allows him to come with her back to Storybrooke. Their story has always been about second chances. Perhaps Robin’s time in Storybrooke can be another second chance for them, or at least give the two of them the proper closure they deserve.


Worth Mentioning

  • Henry was looking rather handsome riding a horse in Emma’s alternative dream universe. It is moments like this that remind us how much our little Henry has grown up!
  • Best reaction of the episode belongs to Killian Jones after Emma tells him they are increasing their water consumption: “To drink?!” Classic. Plus, it was hilarious to see what Captain Hook’s life would’ve been like without Emma in his life. Somehow a pot belly and some gray hair make the fearsome pirate less intimidating.
  • There seems to be some significance with the age of 28. Remember, Emma was celebrating her 28th birthday when Henry knocked on her door in the pilot. Now Gideon returns to Storybrooke after spending 28 years in this other realm with the Black Fairy. Also, how does 28 years go by in that realm while barely 48 hours go by in Storybrooke?
  • The list of what Snow needs to be caught up on increases daily. Charming needs to wake her up before half of season passes her by. Speaking of which, who is taking care of Baby Neal while his mom is sleeping and his dad is out trying to protect his sister?
  • After six seasons, is it fair to call out “Rumple ex machina” an overused trope? I say yes.
  • How is Zelena doing? We haven’t seen her or Baby Robyn in a while. I hope they are ok in their little farm house on the edge of town.
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